Pain and Suffering
26 January 2006 at 5:11 pm

Man, I am just not feeling it today. I had the absolute worst migraine last night -- the kind where I could barely breathe, ran to the toilet every half-hour because I felt like I was going to vomit from the pain, and had to sit up straight or stand up for the pain to be bearable (lying down even at the slightest angle makes too much blood rush to my head and that's when I'd get nauseous). I took some advil right when I felt the migraine coming on and that usually gets rid of it, but this one lasted for hours. Literally, from 7pm to midnight I was shaking with pain. Usually when I get headaches like this I think about how much I would prefer extreme nausea to the pain, but last night I had the pleasure of both. Aaron came and tried to make me feel better, giving me little backrubs and pressing the pressure point on my hand that relieves the pain for a few moments, but my brain just wasn't having it. Eventually, I took two Tylenol PM and and Aaron popped in Roman Holiday to distract me and an hour later drifted off to sleep, four pillows stacked under my head to avoid feeling like I was having an aneurysm. It was like someone was taking my wormy brain guts and twisting them to make twine while keeping my skull in a very tight vise. If there is anything more excrutiating than the migraine I had last night, life is not worth living.

Anyway, my point is, Tylenol PM is great! I'd never taken it before for fear of next-day loginess, but I woke up refreshed and with zero pain, save for some tension in my jaw and between my shoulder blades from clenching through the pain. Sucks they can't create sleeping pills that don't have any side effects.


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About me
Hi. Morgan, 27, of Santa Barbara, CA. I am a hypocritical admirer of rhetoric (when it is my own) and an observer of literary trends. A secret: I don't take anything very seriously, and that includes myself.