Born in the USA
04 November 2004 at 9:17 am

I awoke at 4:30am from a relatively disturbing dream, not as bad as they've been recently, but couldn't fall asleep until 5:30am.

I reawoke, my mind moving as quickly as it had been at 4:30am (which is rather fast), thoughts spinning around, plotting the events of the day and what could possibly get done (lots) and would would actually be completed (little), the likelihood of me successfully calling in sick as I'd planned last night when it was discovered that I hadn't the strength to lift a spoon dredged in tomato soup (not likely), the oddness of the dreams I'd had (chances are you were in it -- it was that sort of dream), the outfit I would wear that day (pants, it's been cold, and many layers), the number of seconds I could stay cozy in bed before I absolutely had to get up (somewhere around 180), whether or not today was a day to be angry (yes) or exhausted (yes), etc.

New obnoxious word of the week, obnoxious because I can't for the life of me determine how people actually manage to use it in a sentence: hubris.

I am deliriously disappointed in this country. What this country had just announced is that it's ok to invade another country and tell them how to live life for no reason other than, "This is the way we say it should be done." If you attack us and we can't find you, we'll find someone else to blame it on. If you continue to threaten to attack, we'll turn a blind eye to it because it couldn't possibly happen twice. Also, our army sucks because the commander in chief is mismanaging an inappropriate war. No one wants to join the army because they don't want to fight a war they don't believe in. It's ok to control the lives of individuals right down to exactly what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Everything that's happened for the past four years -- people getting in debt way over the heads from unscrupulous lenders and unemployment, public beheadings of Americans literally overseas and figuratively stateside, LYING to the American public and, you know, the rest of the world -- it's cool, baby, it's cool. After all, what does the Bible (aka the new Constitution) say? Turn the other cheek? Yeah, we'll give him another chance. After all, he couldn't possibly fuck up any more, right? Right?

In other news, OMG THE OC PREMIERES TONIGHT. And I got at 95 on my math test. Success in the face of adversity! Rock!

three years ago today: nothin.

two years ago today: nothin.

one year ago today: nothing


mod l post-mod



About me
Hi. Morgan, 27, of Santa Barbara, CA. I am a hypocritical admirer of rhetoric (when it is my own) and an observer of literary trends. A secret: I don't take anything very seriously, and that includes myself.