Lichtenstein this
03 January 2004 at 1:24 am

Oh my GOD I could never be a web page designer. This little ditty took the entire fucking night.

Shall we discuss what a nerd I am? Here I am, on a Friday evening, after a long week of work (all two days of it), and I come home, plop down on the couch, consume the Taqueria foodstuffs Aaron was such a dear to fetch for us, and HTML my heart out. From 8pm to 1am. Vision was blurry from the start and is all but nonexistent at this point. Ashtrays are overflowing, Koolaid Jammers litter the room, and I think I've left a permanant buttprint in this god-forsaken couch.

Shall we discuss how lovely Aaron is? Not only was he here, helping me pick out these darling (and oh-so-illegally posted) pictures, assisting me with finding the one little letter or ampersand or whathaveyou that prevented the formatting from being just-so, and commending me for a job well done, but this was after a day of cleaning our ever-filty junior one-bedroom. A task -- no, a feat, I assure you.

This is the first new layout I've had in years, so you must leave comments telling me how little I know about HTML and the like.

So, work? It's cool. I worked with a Russian high schooler today, and she was really quite lovely. I don't know if it's just this shop or if it's San Francisco, but my coworkers ask a hell of a lot of rather personal questions. The store I'll be working at will require me to work alone ... definite advantages, but every time I have a question about something I'll have to call another store. Hum.

Coffee makers with timers are the best. I don't know how I ever survived without one.

Dear Fred Meyer: Please expand to the Bay Area. We miss you. Love, Us.

And the new Strokes album? Ripoff. Just so you know.

one year ago today: "2 topless girls + my boyfriend + same bed = pissiness." and "i am only funny when i can be crude."

two years ago today: nothin.

three years ago today: "i think i'd like to be a marty." and "i'm so so so so so afraid that i like travis because he's there."


mod l post-mod



About me
Hi. Morgan, 27, of Santa Barbara, CA. I am a hypocritical admirer of rhetoric (when it is my own) and an observer of literary trends. A secret: I don't take anything very seriously, and that includes myself.