does that make me cool?
29 September 2001 at 12:08 pm

so, last night. anne and christine and sarah and i all went to sushi, which was really, really good and i just remembered i still have some leftover! kickass! i think anne thinks i'm incredibly annoying, which i don't blame her for because i am really annoying around her. i laugh at everything, because she's so funny, but it's the kind of laugh that sounds really fake because i'm too lazy to make it nice. anyway, then we came back and watched hackers (which was awesome, even if the acting sucked ass.) after a while, anne's friend called and invited us to a party, and we all went even though i think we all fell asleep at one point during the movie. we walked over to IV, and it was Insane. hundreds of girls walking around in spandex (which is a privilege, not a right) and showing as much anorexic flesh as possible. guys were walking around staring at all this flesh. meanwhile, my group was wearing all jeans and long-sleeved shirts (i opted for my knee-length red jean skirt, which now sits nicely on my hips since i lost weight). so i guess everyone walks down del playa street looking for the shortest beer line. all the apts are open parties, and people wander in and out. i was in this one house where a friend of anne's was spinning (he kicked ass, too) and was thinking how easy it would be to just steal a pair of shoes or something. oh, yeah, and we were with anne's really, really cool friends who own a tattoo parlor and were really nice. after wandering around, we came across a house with a punk band playing (slutmagnet. smooth.) and they were actually pretty good...the lead singer had a particularly nice voice, and was rather cute (christine completely disagreed) but he had a girlfriend and groupies to boot. not that i would have done anything anyway. so we wandered back to this guy's apt above the tattoo parlor and i sat and read calvin and hobbes and we hobbled back to the dorm, which was the longest walk ever, especially since we were following 2 girls, one of whom was too drunk to walk so the other girl was supporting her. and it was so depressing. i mean, she obviously didn't have any fun if she's being walked home by her girlfriend at 1am and she's going to spend today throwing up and hiding from the sun (which is quite nice today). yet more validation for my non-drinking habit.

psh, yeah right. i got a tad tipsy, but only enough to piss me off that i didn't have any pot. so i didn't have any fun. oh, and we saw 3 foot patrollers just wandering around among hundreds of underage drunks. and they didn't do anything. honestly, what's the point?

so i need to go work off the beer i drank last night, as well as the waffle with peaches and whipped cream (mmmmmmmmmmmm) i had this morning.

i dreamt about drew last night. SUCH regrets.


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About me
Hi. Morgan, 27, of Santa Barbara, CA. I am a hypocritical admirer of rhetoric (when it is my own) and an observer of literary trends. A secret: I don't take anything very seriously, and that includes myself.